v1.17.6 / 2016-09-19 ================== * Throw when sandbox.restore is given arguments (Fixes #1149) (#1151) * Fix a regression introduced in #692 (#1098) v1.17.5 / 2016-07-26 ================== * Add prepublish steps to avoid including extra files * use xhr.progress (length of body/response) for progress event * capture response length from setResponseBody * updated current tests to account for api changes * added xhr.error() method to simulate network errors * stopped treating non-200 responses as errors * Port XHR and deepEqual test cases from master * Fix deepEqual reliance on prototype hasOwnProperty() in v0.17 v1.17.4 / 2016-05-02 ==================== * Release version 1.17.4 * Improve Blob support detection logics (#1039) * Re-did #861 for v1.17 branch * Caught exceptions from async tests are thrown by simon.test. * Add tests for #947 1.17.4 / 2016-05-02 ================== * Improve Blob support detection logics (#1039) * Re-did #861 for v1.17 branch * Caught exceptions from async tests are thrown by simon.test. * Add tests for #947 1.17.3 / 2016-01-27 ================== * Fix toString() calls * Ensure sinon can run in a WebWorker * Changed the priority of which global is chosen first. * Fixed #785 by checking the global variables are set 1.17.2 / 2015-10-21 ================== * Fix #867: Walk properties only once 1.17.1 / 2015-09-26 ================== * Fix #851: Do not attempt to re-stub constructors * Fix #847: Ensure walk invokes accessors directly on target * Run tests in node 4.1.x also 1.17.0 / 2015-09-22 ================== * Fix #821 where Sinon.JS would leak a setImmdiate into global scope * Removed sinon-timers from the build. refs #811 * Added flag that, when set to true, makes sinon.logError throw errors synchronously. * Fix #777: Support non-enumerable props when stubbing objects * Made the sinon.test() function pass on errors to the callback * Expand conversion from ArrayBuffer to binary string * Add support for ArrayBuffer, blob responseTypes 1.16.1 / 2015-08-20 =================== * Bump Lolex to stop throwing an error when faking Date but not setTimeout 1.16.0 / 2015-08-19 =================== * Capture the stack on each spy call * fakeServer.create accepts configuration settings * Update Lolex to 1.3.0 * Fire onreadystatechange with event argument * Returns supersedes previous throws * Bunch of bug fixes 1.15.0 / 2015-05-30 ================== * Fixed bug where assertions don't handle functions that have a property named proxy * update license attribute * Add test coverage report * responseHeaders on abort are empty object * Fix pre-existing style error * Update documentation to cover testing built version * Update CONTRIBUTING.md with section about "Making a pull request" * Improve RELEASE.md to reduce effort when cutting a new release * Deprecate mock * Release.md * Make `npm docs sinon` work. * Run unit tests against packaged version in CI environment * Remove unused Gruntfile * Use Vanilla Buster.JS * Use `files` in package.json * Fix code style * Don't stub getter properties * Event listeners for `progress`, `load` and `readystatechange` in the `readyStateChange` function in `FakeXMLHttpRequest` are dispatched in a different order in comparison to a browser. Reorder the events dispatched to reflect general browser behaviour. * Update linting instructions in CONTRIBUTING.md * Lint all files with new linter * Update JSCS to 1.11.3 and make npm lint task verify all files * Cleanup .restore() == 1.14.1 / 2015-03-16 * Fallback for .restore() native code functions on Chrome & PhantomJS (なつき) * Restore support for sinon in IE<9 (Harry Wolff) == 1.14.0 / 2015-03-13 * Stub & spy getters & setters (Simon Zack) * Fix #702 async sinon.test using mocha interface (Mohayonao) * Add respondImmediately to fake servers (Jonathan Freeman) == 1.13.0 / 2015-03-04 * fix @depends-require mismatches (fixes AMD issues) (Ben Hockey) * Fix spy.calledWith(undefined) to return false if it was called without args * yieldsRight (Alexander Schmidt) * stubs retain function arity (Charlie Rudolph) * (AMD) use explicit define in built version * spy().reset() returns this (Ali Shakiba) * Add lengthComputable and download progress (Tamas Szebeni) * Don't setContent-type when sending FormData (AJ Ortega) * sinon.assert with spyCall (Alex Urbano) * fakeXHR requests in Node. (Jmeas) * Enhancement: run builds on docker (till@php.net) * Use FakeXDomainRequest when XHR does not support CORS. Fixes #584 (Eric Wendelin) * More lenient check for ActiveXObject * aligned sandbox.useFakeXMLHttpRequest API to documentation (Phred) * Fix #643. Returns supersedes previous throws (Adam Hull) * Safely overwrite properties in IE - no more IE files! * Add check for setInterval/clearInterval (kdpecker) * Add safety check for document.createElement (kdpecker) * Fix #633. Use a try/catch when deleting a property in IE8. (Garrick Cheung) == 1.12.1 / 2014-11-16 * Fixed lolex issue on node == 1.12.0 / 2014-11-16 * Fake timers are now extracted as lolex: http://github.com/sinonjs/lolex * Improved setImmediate fake * Proper AMD solution == 1.11.1 / 2014-10-27 * Expose match on returned sandbox (Duncan Beevers) * Fix issue #586 (Antonio D'Ettole) * Declare log_error dependency (Kurt Ruppel) == 1.11.0 / 2014-10-26 * Proper AMD support * Don't call sinon.expectation.pass if there aren't any expectations (Jeffrey Falgout) * Throw error when reset-ing while calling fake * Added xhr.response property (Gyandeep Singh) * Fixed premature sandbox destruction (Andrew Gurinovich) * Add sandbox reset method (vitalets) * A bunch of bug fixes (git log) * Various source organizational improvements (Morgan Roderick and others) == 1.10.3 / 2014-07-11 * Fix loading in Web Workers (Victor Costan) * Allow null as argument to clearTimeout and clearInterval (Lars Thorup) == 1.10.2 / 2014-06-02 * Fix `returnValue` and `exception` regression on spy calls (Maximilian Antoni) == 1.10.1 / 2014-05-30 * Improved mocha compatibility for async tests (Ming Liu) * Make the fakeServer log function overloadable (Brian M Hunt) == 1.10.0 / 2014-05-19 * Ensure that spy createCallProperties is set before function invocation (James Barwell) * XDomainRequest support (Søren Enemærke, Jonathan Sokolowski) * Correct AMD behavior (Tim Branyen) * Allow explicit naming of spies and stubs (Glen Mailer) * deepEqual test for unequal objects in calledWithExactly (Bryan Donovan) * Fix clearTimeout() for Node.js (Xiao Ma) * fix fakeServer.respond() in IE8 (John Bernardo) * Fix #448 (AMD require.amd) * Fix wrapMethod error handling (Nikita Litvin) == 1.9.1 / 2014-04-03 * Fix an issue passing `NaN` to `calledWith` (Blake Israel) * Explicate dependency on util package (Kris Kowal) * Fake timers return an object with `ref` and `unref` properties on Node (Ben Fleis) == 1.9.0 / 2014-03-05 * Add sinon.assert.match (Robin Pedersen) * Added ProgressEvent and CustomEvent. Fixes bug with progress events on IE. (Geries Handal) * prevent setRequestHeaders from being called twice (Phred) * Fix onload call, 'this' should be equal to XHR object (Niklas Andreasson) * Remove sandbox injected values on restore (Marcus Hüsgen) * Coerce matcher.or/and arguments into matchers (Glen Mailer) * Don't use buster.format any more * Fix comparison for regexp deepEqual (Matt Kern) == 1.8.2 / 2014-02-11 * Fixes an edge case with calledWithNew and spied native functions, and other functions that lack a .prototype * Add feature detection for the new ProgressEvent support == 1.8.1 / 2014-02-02 * Screwed up NPM release of 1.8.0, unable to replace it == 1.8.0 / 2014-02-02 * Add clearImmediate mocking support to the timers API (Tim Perry) * Mirror custom Date properties when faking time * Improved Weinre support * Update call properties even if exceptions are thrown (Tim Perry) * Update call properties even if exceptions are thrown (Tim Perry) * Reverse matching order for fake server (Gordon L. Hempton) * Fix restoring globals on another frame fails on Firefox (Burak Yiğit Kaya) * Handle stubbing falsey properties (Tim Perry) * Set returnValues correctly when the spied function is called as a constructor (Tim Perry) * When creating a sandbox, do not overwrite existing properties when inject properties into an object (Sergio Cinos) * Added withCredentials property to fake xhr (Geries) * Refine behavior withArgs error message (Tim Fischbach) * Auto-respond to successive requests made with a single XHR object (Jan Suchý) * Add the ability for mock to accept sinon.match matchers as expected arguments (Zcicala) * Adding support for XMLHttpRequest.upload to FakeXMLHttpRequest (Benjamin Coe) * Allow onCall to be combined with returns* and throwsException in stub behavior sequences (Tim Fischbach) * Fixed deepEqual to detect properties on array objects * Fixed problem with chained timers with delay=0 (Ian Lewis) * Use formatio in place of buster-format (Devin Weaver) == 1.7.3 / 2013-06-20 * Removed use of array forEach, breaks in older browsers (Martin Hansen) * sinon.deepEqual(new Date(0), new Date()) returns true (G.Serebryanskyi) == 1.7.2 / 2013-05-08 * Sinon 1.7 has split calls out to a separate file. This caused some problems, so 1.7.2 ships with spyCall as part of spy.js like it used to be. == 1.7.1 / 2013-05-07 * Fake XMLHttpRequest updated to call onerror and onsuccess callbacks, fixing jQuery 2.0 problems (Roman Potashow) * Implement XMLHttpRequest progress event api (Marten Lienen) * Added sinon.restore() (Jonny Reeves) * Fix bug where throwing a string was handled incorrectly by Sinon (Brandon Heyer) * Web workers support (Victor Costan) == 1.7.0 * Failed release, see 1.7.1 == 1.6.0 / 2013-02-18 * Add methods to spyCall interface: callArgOn, callArgOnWith, yieldOn, yieldToOn (William Sears) * sinon.createStubInstance creates a fully stubbed instance from a constructor (Shawn Krisman) * resetBehavior resets fakes created by withArgs (Martin Sander) * The fake server now logs to sinon.log, if set (Luis Cardoso) * Cleaner npm package that also includes pkg/sinon.js and pkg/sinon-ie.js for cases where npm is used to install Sinon for browser usage (Domenic Denicola) * Improved spy formatter %C output (Farid Neshat) * clock.tick returns clock.now (Michael Jackson) * Fixed issue #248 with callOrder assertion Did not fail if the last given spy was never called (Maximilian Antoni) * Fixed issue with setResponseHeader for synchronous requests (goligo) * Remove msSetImmediate; it only existed in IE10 previews (Domenic Denicola) * Fix #231: not always picking up the latest calls to callsArgWith, etc. (Domenic Denicola) * Fix failing anonymous mock expectations == 1.5.2 / 2012-11-28 * Revert stub.reset changes that caused existing tests to fail. == 1.5.1 / 2012-11-27 * Ensure window.Image can be stubbed. (Adrian Phinney) * Fix spy() in IE 8 (Scott Andrews) * Fix sinon base in IE 8 (Scott Andrews) * Format arguments ouput when mock excpetation is not met (kbackowski) * Calling spy.reset directly from stub.reset (Thomas Meyer) == 1.5.0 / 2012-10-19 * Don't force "use strict" on Sinon consumers * Don't assume objects have hasOwnProperties. Fixes problem with e.g. stubbing properties on process.env * Preserve function length for spy (Maximilian Antoni) * Add 'invokeCallback' alias for 'yield' on calls (Maximilian Antoni) * Added matcher support for calledOn (Maximilian Antoni) * Retain original expectation messages, for failed mocks under sinon.test (Giorgos Giannoutsos) * Allow yields* and callsArg* to create sequences of calls. (Domenic Denicola) * sinon.js can catch itself in endless loop while filling stub prototype with asynch methods (Jan Kopriva) == 1.4.2 / 2012-07-11 * sinon.match for arrays (Maximilian Antoni) == 1.4.1 / 2012-07-11 * Strengthen a Node.JS inference to avoid quirky behavior with Mocha (which provides a shim process object) == 1.4.0 / 2012-07-09 * Argument matchers (Maximillian Antoni) sinon.match.{any, same, typeOf, instanceOf, has, hasOwn, defined, truthy, falsy} as well as typeOf shortcuts for boolean, number, string, object, function, array, regexp and date. The result of a call can be used with spy.calledWith. * spy.returned now works with matchers and compares objects deeply. * Matcher assertions: calledWithMatch, alwaysCalledWithMatch and neverCalledWithMatch * calledWithNew and alwaysCalledWithNew for assert (Maximilian Antoni) * Easier stubbed fluent interfaces: stub.returnsThis() (Glen Mailer) * allow yields() and family to be used along with returns()/throws() and family (Glen Mailer) * Async versions `callsArg*` and `yields*` for stubs (TEHEK) * Format args when doing `spy.printf("%*")` (Domenic Denicola) * Add notCalled property to spies * Fix: spy.reset did not reset fakes created by spy.withArgs (Maximilian Antoni) * Properly restore stubs when stubbing entire objects through the sandbox (Konrad Holowinski) * Restore global methods properly - delete properties that where not own properties (Keith Cirkel) * setTimeout and setInterval pass arguments (Rodion Vynnychenko) * Timer callbacks that contain a clock.tick no longer fails (Wesley Waser) * spy(undefined, "property") now throws * Prevent multiple restore for fake timers (Kevin Decker) * Fix toString format under Node (Kevin Decker) * Mock expectations emit success and failure events (Kevin Decker) * Development improvement: Use Buster.JS to test Sinon * Fix bug where expect.atLeast failed when minimum calls where received * Make fake server safe to load on node.js * Add support for no args on .withArgs and .withExactArgs (Tek Nynja) * Avoid hasOwnProperty for host objects == 1.3.2 / 2012-03-11 * Stronger Node inference in sandbox * Fixed issue with sinon.useFakeTimers() and Rhino.js 1.7R3 * Formatting brush-up * FIX Internet Explorer misreporting the type of Function objects originating in an external window as "object" instead of "function". * New methods stub.callsArgOn, stub.callsArgOnWith, stub.yieldsOn, stub.yieldsToOn * Implemented * Fixing `clearTimeout` to not throw when called for nonexistant IDs. * Spys that are created using 'withArgs' now get initialized with previous calls to the original spy. * Minor bug fixes and docs cleanup. == 1.3.1 / 2012-01-04 * Fix bug in core sinon: isNode was used for both a variable and a function, causing load errors and lots of bugs. Should have never left the door. == 1.3.0 / 2012-01-01 * Support using bare functions as fake server response handlers (< 1.3.0 required URL and/or method matcher too) * Log some internal errors to sinon.log (defaults to noop). Set sinon.log to your logging utility of choice for better feedback when. * White-list fake XHRs: Allows some fake requests and some that fall through to the backend server (Tim Ruffles) * Decide Date.now support at fake-time. Makes it possible to load something that polyfills Date.now after Sinon loaded and still have Date.now on fake Dates. * Mirror properties on replaced function properties * New methods: spy.yield(), spy.yieldTo(), spy.callArg() and spy.callArgWith() can be used to invoke callbacks passed to spies (while avoiding the mock-like upfront yields() and friends). invokeCallback is available as an alias for yield for people working with strict mode. (Maximilian Antoni) * New properties: spy.firstCall, spy.secondCall, spy.thirdCall and spy.lastCall. (Maximilian Antoni) * New method: stub.returnsArg(), causes stub to return one of its arguments. (Gavin Huang) * Stubs now work for inherited methods. This was previously prohibited to avoid stubbing not-yet-implemented methods. (Felix Geisendörfer) * server.respond() can now accept the same arguments as server.respondWith() for quick-and-dirty respondWith+respond. (Gavin Huang) * Format objects with buster-format in the default bundle. Default to util.inspect on node unless buster-format is available (not a hard dependency, more like a 'preference'). * Bug fix: Make sure XHRs can complete even if onreadystatechange handler fails * Bug fix: Mirror entire Date.prototype, including toUTCString when faking * Bug fix: Default this object to global in exposed asserts * Bug fix: sinon.test: use try/finally instead of catch and throw - preserves stack traces (Kevin Turner) * Bug fix: Fake `setTimeout` now returns ids greater than 0. (Domenic Denicola) * Bug fix: NPM install warning (Felix Geisendörfer) * Bug fix: Fake timers no longer swallows exceptions (Felix Geisendörfer) * Bug fix: Properly expose all needed asserts for node * Bug fix: wrapMethod on window property (i.e. when stubbing/spying on global functions) * Bug fix: Quote "yield" (Ben Hockey) * Bug fix: callOrder works correctly when spies have been called multiple times == 1.2.0 / 2011-09-27 * Bug fix: abort() switches state to DONE when OPENED and sent. Fix by Tristan Koch. * Bug fix: Mootools uses MSXML2.XMLHTTP as objectId, which Sinon matched with different casing. Fix by Olmo Maldonado. * Bug fix: When wrapping a non-owned property, restore now removes the wrapper instead of replacing it. Fix by Will Butler. * Bug fix: Make it possibly to stub Array.prototype.push by not using that method directly inside Sinon. * Bug fix: Don't assume that req.requestBody is a string in the fake server. * Added spy.printf(format) to print a nicely formatted message with details about a spy. * Garbage collection: removing fakes from collections when restoring the original methods. Fix by Tristan Koch. * Add spy.calledWithNew to check if a function was used as a constructor * Add spy.notCalledWith(), spy.neverCalledWith() and sinon.assert.neverCalledWith. By Max Antoni * Publicly expose sinon.expectation.fail to allow tools to integrate with mock expectations. * Fake XMLHttpRequests now support a minimal portion of the events API, making them work seamlessly with e.g. SproutCode (which uses xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange"). Partially by Sven Fuchs. == 1.1.1 / 2011-05-17 * Fix broken mock verification in CommonJS when not including the full Sinon package. == 1.1.0 / 2011-05-04 * The fake server now has a autoRespond method which allows it to respond to requests on the fly (asynchronously), making it a good fit for mockup development * Stubs and spies now has a withArgs method. Using it allows you to create several spies/stubs for the same method, filtered by received arguments * Stubs now has yields and yieldsTo methods for fuzzily invoking callbacks. They work like callsArgAt only by inferring what callback to invoke, and yieldsTo can invoke callbacks in object "options" arguments. * Allow sandboxes/collections to stub any property so long as the object has the property as an own property * Significantly improve error reporting from failed mock expecations. Now prints all met and unmet expectations with expected and received arguments * Allow mock expectations to be consumed in any order * Add pretty printing of all calls when assertions fail * Fix bug: Stub exception message ended up as "undefined" (string) if not specified * Pass capture groups in URLs to fakeServer function handlers * Pass through return value from test function in testCase * typeof require is not enough to assume node, also use typeof module * Don't use Object.create in sinon.create. In the off chance that someone stubs it, sinon will fail mysteriously (Thanks to Espen Dalløkken) * Catch exceptions when parsing DOM elements "on a hunch" When responding to XHRs, Sinon acts like most browsers and try to parse the response into responseXML if Content-Type indicates XML or HTML. However, it also does this if the type is not set. Obviously, this may misfire and should be caught. * Fix fakeServer.respond() to not drop requests when they are queued during the processing of an existing queue. (Sven Fuchs) * Clean up module loading in CommonJS environments (Node.js still the only tested such environment). No longer (temporarily) modifies require.paths, always loads all modules. == 1.0.2 / 2011-02-22 * Fix JSON bug in package.json * Sandbox no longer tries to use a fake server if config says so, but server is not loaded == 1.0.1 / 2010-12-20 * Make sure sinon.sandbox is exposed in node.js (fix by Gord Tanner) == 1.0.0 / 2010-12-08 * Switched indentation from 2 to 4 spaces :) * Node.js compatibility improvements * Remove magic booleans from sinon.assert.expose, replace with option object * Put QUnit adapter in it's own repository * Update build script to build standalone timers and server files * Breaking change: thisObj -> thisValue Change brings consistency to the code-base, always use thisValue * Add sinon.assert.pass callback for successful assertions * Extract sandbox configuration from sinon.test Refactored sinon.test to not do all the heavy lifting in creating sandbox objects from sinon.config. Now sinon.sandbox.create accepts an optional configuration that can be retrieved through sinon.getConfig({ ... }) - or, to match previous behavior, through sinon.getConfig(sinon.config); The default configuration now lives in sinon.defaultConfig rather than the previous sinon.test. This change enables external tools, such as test framework adapters, to easily create configurable sandboxes without going through sinon.test * Rewrite sinon.clock.tick to fix bug and make implementation clearer * Test config load correct files * Make timers and XHR truly standalone by splitting the IE work-around in two files * Don't fail when comparing DOM elements in sinon.deepEqual (used in calledWith(...)) * Should mirror properties on Date when faking it * Added and updated configuration for both JsLint and JavaScript lint * [August Lilleaas] The build script can optionally build a file without the version name in it, by passing 'plain', i.e. './build plain'. Useful when using the build script to build and use sinon programatically, so one can 'cp path/to/sinon/pkg/sinon.js my/scripts/' * [August Lilleaas] Checking and warning if we got a load error and rubygems isn't present. * [August Lilleaas] Updating build script to be runnable from any directory. Current working directory doesn't have to be repo root. == 0.8.0 / 2010-10-30 * sinon.wrapMethod no longer accepts faking already faked methods * sinon-qunit 'plugin' * sinon.test / sinon.config can now expose the sandbox object == 0.7.2 / 2010-10-25 * Add sinon.sandbox.create back in * Fix bug where clock.tick would fire timeouts in intervals when setInterval was also called == 0.7.1 / 2010-10-16 * The fake server will now match paths against full URLs, meaning that server.respondWith("/", "OK"); will match requests for "http://currentHost/". * Improved toString method for spies and stubs which leads to more precise error messages from sinon.assert.* == 0.7.0 / 2010-09-19 * sinon.useFakeTimers now fakes the Date constructor by default * sinon.testCase now fakes XHR and timers by default * sinon.config controls the behavior of sinon.testCase * Fixed bug in clock.tick - now fires timers in correct order * Added the ability to tick a clock string for longer ticks. Passing a number causes the clock to tick the specified amount of milliseconds, passing a string like "12:32" ticks 12 minutes and 32 seconds. * calledBefore and calledAfter for individual calls * New assertions sinon.assert.notCalled sinon.assert.calledOnce sinon.assert.calledTwice sinon.assert.calledThrice * sinon.test now throws if passed anything other than a function * sinon.testCase now throws if passed anything other than an object * sinon.{spy,stub}(obj, method) now throws if the property is not an existing function - helps avoid perpetuating typo bugs * Vastly improved error messages from assertions * Spies/stubs/expectations can have their names resolved in many cases * Removed feature where sinon.testCase allowed for nested test cases (does not belong in Sinon.JS) * Organizational change: src/ becomes lib/ Helps npm compatibility * Thanks to Cory Flanigan for help on npm compatibility == 0.6.2 / 2010-08-12 * Fixed another bug in sinon.fakeServerWithClock where consecutive respond() calls did not trigger timeouts. == 0.6.1 / 2010-08-12 * Fixed a bug in sinon.fakeServerWithClock where the clock was ticked before the server had responded to all requests, resulting in objects not having been responded to by the time the timeout ran. == 0.6.0 / 2010-08-10 * FakeXMLHttpRequest * sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest * sinon.fakeServer * sinon.fakeServerWithClock * Improved fake timers implementation, made them work properly in IE 6-8 * Improved sinon.sandbox * Added useFakeServer * Added inject method * Improved sinon.test method * Made configuration aware * Now uses sinon.sandbox in place of sinon.collection * Changed default configuration for sinon.test, breaking compatibility with 0.5.0 - can be changed through sinon.config == 0.5.0 / 2010-06-09 * Initial release * Spies, stubs, mocks * Assertions * collections, test, testCase * Fake timers (half-baked)